Monday, June 30, 2008

EPA Hotline Safe "Drinking" Water Hotline 1-800 426-4791

When you purchase a soft water filtration systems many facts are listed in the description of the product. One in particular is this fact; The average amount of salt collected per home using water from public treatment facilities is 200lbs per year. I made the call to my EPA Federal Agency, [1-800 426-4791](well first let me state my interest in the subject forced me to apply for projects in the city of Memphis in 2002), and the EPA agent remarked, "since they were a federal agency;" A.they had no access to local water treatment plant information (my first question for the agent was is there a data base for my zip code which in response she stated the following-keep in mind my plant seems to be sewage treatment) B.the agent had no way of informing me if the salt deposit content of each household is true (the EPA agent stated the Federal government does not regulate salt or mineral deposit). After frustration I asked her who should I petition and possibly the name of a Federal Governor or representative(after contacting Tennessee legislature?!? for information on my representative years ago when I first moved here they were happy to respond with the name) and after her attempt to hang up on me I had to state that I (gave her my first and last name) was the person to petition; she hung up on me; so it's in God's hand's now. My grandmother is living with this water poison and her legs are spotted from salt and other mineral deposits. I truly hope if I did do any work for the EPA agency during the year of 2002, or further, they will help me with information and resolve the query to re trace the actual contents of the water and find if they actually come from a clean source. Think of how many people's lives would be less altered by prescriptions and surgeries if we invested or leveraged a little in the basic necessities of living for the future.

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